Day 5 of “The real Du-cat-i” tour of Europe

Day 5 of “The real Du-cat-i” tour of Europe

You know you are fairly rural when you wake up to the sound of cow mooing and the smell of a cow shit. That’s where I am at my happiest. Miles and miles away from traffic and dense population. And the view like this is almost perfect.

As usual, I showered, put some clothes on and went downstairs for breakfast. It was a beautiful sunny day in a village that was waking up early. Since they have no pub in the village I’m guessing no-one had a hangover!

After breakfast I sat outside with a fresh cup of coffee where I’ve made a furry friend. I am not a cat person. Those that know me understand I am the crazy dog lady, the bigger the dog the happier I am. I don’t really know what to do with a cat.

On this odd occasion a cat came to befriend me. It started by circling around my ankles and rubbing it’s fur against me which was tickling me and left me bemused that a cat would take an interest in me. It was a little kitten, really and she was cute. Could’ve been a he, no idea but I’ve decided it’s a she and she must have sensed I was curious as she jumped on the table and then proceeded to climb all over me. I love all animals and I much prefer them to humans most of the time so despite not being a ‘cat person’ I didn’t mind her. She sat on my shoulder for a while and I drank my coffee.

Afterwards I went to my bike to re-adjust my phone holder and the cat decided to meet the Ducati. I nearly took the cat with me, she was that cute. She was playing around me and the bike while I was strapping my bags on but sadly I had to leave her behind.

The day’s plan was to get to Bavaria. I have visited the region back in March when it was still winter to watch the Ice Speedway Championship and have promised myself I will be back on the bike once. I was pleased this ‘once’ happened only a few months later. But to get there I needed to do some motorway miles again, past Munich and it wasn’t going to get fun until I reach the turning for Ruhpolding.

The last stop before turning off the Autobahn was required, mostly to purchase a Vignette for Austrian motorways and I didn’t regret it. Just look at this view. From the motorway services. I nearly forgot where I was.

Motorway services stop

Seeing the mountains like this made my heart sing a happy song. I was coming home. I miss the Alps.

The day was turning into the afternoon and the clouds were closing in. I’ve left the sunshine behind and it was starting to get cold again. I followed my nose in the general direction of Berchtesgaden where I wanted to look for accommodation for that day.

Riding through Bavaria was beautiful and fun and despite the weather being a bit grim, I was smiling the whole time. And stopped a lot for photos, of course.

It was nearing 3.00 pm when I realised I haven’t eaten yet so I pulled into the first Gasthaus I spotted and sat at the corner table with a view, my back towards the rest of the restaurant. It was quiet as lunches were over and it was an odd time to eat. I was cold and starving so I’ve ordered a soup to start with. Just as I started eating it I had a FaceTime call from my son, who is currently in Sydney, Australia.

What better company with my meal than my superawesome son! He’s gone to Sydney to stay at his dad’s in May and is coming back in September.

Except he is not.

His phone call was to start getting me ready to the idea that he isn’t coming back to sunny Wrexham. I don’t understand. What has Sydney got over Wrexham?! Surely I must have misheard him. I get like this when I’m hungry.

But no, he was very clear and determined. And I was smiling and telling him what a fantastic opportunity that is for him and I am so happy for him. And I am. It’s all we can every wish for our children, to be happy.

We chatted a while longer then he had to go. I hung up and my smile turned into a frown until I realised my soup was cold and there were tears falling down my cheeks and into the soup…

The waitress was confused, clearly thought I was displeased with the soup when she brought the main course. I ate it. I have no idea what I’ve ordered and whether it tasted any good. To be honest, I didn’t know where I was or what I was doing anymore. I don’t know how long I was sitting there for but eventually I snapped out of the sad mood and decided I’m done with riding for the day so I looked for accommodation.

Somehow I chose something about 15 min ride away, booked it and set the map to follow there. Well at least the route there was exciting!

The b&b was situated at the top of a mountain with a swimming pool, a sauna and the most amazing view I have seen in a long, long time.

I checked in, delighted to find a beer fridge in my room!


I didn’t feel like company or eating dinner, to be fair I wasn’t hungry anyway so I opened a bottle of beer and sat outside just processing my thoughts while looking at this!

The view from the b&b

It would have been foolish not to make the use of the sauna although the water in the pool was too cold for my comfort. So instead of a swim I sat on a lounger enjoying the view for a bit longer.

A day of mixed emotions. I ended the day wishing Sam didn’t break the news while I was away but then I realised this was the perfect time to do it. I still have more than 10 days of travel, time to myself and time to think. It’s an odd feeling knowing my one and only son is on the other side of the world and is making a life for himself this far away. Then I reminded myself that I was exactly the same age as he is now when I left Slovenia to go to UK and basically never returned.

Time to start a new chapter of my life, too. And what better way than having the time to plot and plan while having the adventure of a lifetime.

Day 5 route

Total mileage on day 5 was 182.56

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